HarmUni 2 - Filking in ConteXXt
August 9th til 11th, 2002
University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham Spa In harmony with ConteXXt (The 20th UniCon)
Guest of Honour: Alexa Klettner (neé Damm)
What is filk | Programme | Guest of Honour | Links

Where and when?

HarmUni 2 (and the 20th Unicon, ConteXXt) was held at the University of Gloucestershire in Cheltenham Spa, from August 9 to 11, 2002.

At the moment we don't know whether there will be a HarmUni 3. Mich, Jessica, and Albert volunteered to take it on if there's a convention for it to run with. UniCon has a provisional booking for the same place next year. However, so far, nobody has volunteered to form a committee for UniCon...
Alexa at FilkContinental 98
Thanks to Kirstin for this photo of Alexa.


The HarmUni 2 guest of honour was Alexa Klettner (her surname was Damm before she married).

The ConteXXt guests were Keith Brooke and Ben Jeapes.

The HarmUni 2 committee consisted of Mike Richards (who was mug enough to live in Cheltenham), Joe, Anna and Emily Raftery (who volunteered), and Rick Hewett (who didn't run away fast enough).


We are grateful to Didgeridouze for financial assistance with HarmUni's guest of honour.

These pages have been prepared by Rick Hewett and Joe Raftery, based on the design for ConteXXt's website by Bridget Bradshaw.
If you have any comments about them you'd like to share then please e-mail them to www@lazyleopard.org.uk.
This page was last updated on September 14th 2002