The Programme

Our programme will include sets, workshops and a Main Concert and Filk Fund Auction.

We sent out a set and workshop request sheet with the first PR, and it iss already looking fairly full, so if you want a set and havn't sent your set request back yet, please do so soon.

Main Concert and Filk Fund Auction

There will be a sign-up sheet and a table for auction contributions at the convention. We'll give you more details nearer the time.

Themed Concert

In addition to the open Main Concert, we will have a Themed Concert. We're looking for songs on the theme of Silver, interpreted in any way you think you can justify to a room full of filkers.

Performer Sets

If you would like to perform in a set at the convention then please send us a set request either by post or by email. Sets will probably be 30 minutes or 60 minutes long.


Workshops usually happen in the mornings, after breakfast, and before the first performer sets of the day. If you would like to present a workshop at the convention then please tell us on a set request form.

Staging and Technical requirements

The Tech equipment is there to help you sound as good as possible. The techies can use it to best effect if they know what you want, and it will help them a lot if they know this in advance so they can bring the right stuph*.

Here are some of the questions you should answer, preferably in your set request:

  • How many performers?
  • What sort of space will the performers need?
  • What instruments will the performers be playing?
It will also help the techies if you can provide a set list. If it's complicated then it will help if they have it before the Con, but for simpler sets it's OK to give it to them just before you do a sound check. Ideally, the set list will answer the questions above and a few more, like these:
  • Where on stage do you want your performers?
  • Who sings in each song?
  • Who plays which instruments in each song?
  • Will your performers sit, stand, dance, or...?
  • What backing tracks (preferably on plain old ordinary audio CD!), or other techie-controlled effects are needed in each song?
Concise, clear information will help. If your set list strays over onto a second page then it's probably too complicated!

Keris' term for all manner of equipment including back-drops, stands, microphones, cables, speakers, amplifiers, mixers, equalisers, compressors, and other bits and pieces needed to provide the "tech" at a Con.